What is Brandsociology?

Sociology is the study of alliances.

People not only connect with people but also with things—sometimes over generations.


In the modern age, we are firmly integrated into and surrounded by alliance structures that enable us to survive in the communicative, consumerist, and cultural jungle of everyday life. One of the most prominent alliances of our time is our explicit or latent alliance with brands, which we regularly engage with through repeated purchases of products or services. Some alliances are chosen consciously, while others occur unconsciously.


The Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) researches the universal dynamics and mechanisms that lead to the creation and strengthening of brands. Brand management is only marginally a question of marketing and communication. From a Brandsociology perspective, brands are social systems that (can) have economic effects. This occurs when a brand delivers its services consistently and collectively anchors expectations.



The Foundations of Brandsociology

The essay “As a Brand in the Market - The Product Brand as a Public Symbol” by Prof. Dr. Alexander Deichsel is considered the first sociological examination of brands. Based on a lecture he gave at the 1984 Swiss Sociology Conference in Zurich, this article anticipates numerous determinants of a brand-sociological perspective on the market that were later developed in depth.


Deichsel develops his ideas using the theory of one of the most important co-founders of German sociology, Ferdinand Tönnies (1855–1936). Tönnies’ main work, “Community and Society”(1887), explores different social bonding and attraction forces that affect people and their social origins.


Alexander Deichsel, Professor of Sociology at the University of Hamburg from 1977 to 2000, recognized the potential of this sociological classic. Using Tönnies’ ideal-typical differentiation of alliance forms—community and society, as well as morality and ethics as matters of public opinion—he developed the first sociological theory of brands. Deichsel applied this sociological foundation to explain and operationalize the effective forces of brands and brand systems. Consequently, he is regarded as the founder of Brandsociology.

Brandsociology’s Development and Application


In the following years, Alexander Deichsel established a focus on brand research at the University of Hamburg, mentoring numerous graduates and doctoral candidates. The 1990s were characterized by a comprehensive examination of branding through lectures, publications, and debates, resulting in numerous monographs.


Dr. Thomas Otte, a student of Deichsel, devoted himself to principles such as brand evolutionary self-similarity, making them applicable for brand management. In 1994, the Institute for Brand Technology (Institut für Markensoziologie) was founded in Geneva by manager Manfred Schmidt. Soon after, Alexander Deichsel and Dr. Klaus Brandmeyer joined the board. This was Europe’s first private consultancy institute focused exclusively on brand management grounded in scientific principles.


In the period that followed, operational tools and concepts based on Brandsociology were developed, including the authoritative social science-based brand management tool, The Genetic Code of the Brand, which was first officially presented at the “International Brand Technology Forum” in 1998. In subsequent years, the Genetic Code was applied to numerous European brands, demonstrating its practical applicability.


The Markentechnikum conference, held from 1997 to 2010 in Geneva, became the leading event for brand management. It brought together renowned international scientists and business leaders.


In 2004, Alexander Deichsel published his seminal work, Brandsociology. Since then, more than 50 books and over 200 essays on the subject have been published.


The Next Generation of Brand Sociologists


In the early 2000s, the second generation of brand sociologists— including former Deichsel students such as Andreas Pogoda, Peter Pirck, and Henning Meyer—founded the first brand consultancies rooted in Brandsociology and technology. Brandmeyer Markenberatung, named after the ‘advertising pope’ and brand technician, gained, among other things, a reputation for city and regional brand management.


In 2006, the Office for Brand Development was established in Hamburg under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Arnd Zschiesche and Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello, with Alexander Deichsel as “Scientific Associate.” Over the following years, the office became a recognized authority in operative brand management with over 300 consulting mandates.

In 2017, Oliver Errichiello and Arnd Zschiesche revised Brandsociology, publishing the updated work, Fundamentals of Brandsociology.


With the founding of the Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) in 2024, Europe’s only brand theory framework continues to be preserved and developed.

Publications of the directors (excerpt):

Sociology, the will to shape and the brand
The brand as an instance of strategic corporate management
Grundlagen der Markensoziologie
Marke statt Meinung
Marke ohne Mythos
Brand sociology

The origins and the goal

Combining economics and sociology to strengthen brands

The fatal separation of economics and sociology a good 100 years ago, including in the context of the “Freiburg School”, reduced economic systems to their quantifiable components and negated the social systemic nature of economic processes in the reality of life. Brandsociology, on the other hand, draws on a comprehensive analysis of socio-economic processes against the background of the classical “Gestalt theory”.


Prof. Dr. Alexander Deichsel, as the founder of Brandsociology, uncovered and developed management principles rooted in social systems and operationalised them to corporate management. His objective was to establish the brand as a long-term instrument for economic value creation. For nearly three decades, the academic directorate of the Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) has conducted extensive research and applied brand management principles in both academic and business settings.


Numerous studies, books and expert opinions are the robust foundation that enables a “steady hand” and orientation in dealing with one’s own brand even in times of communication storms and provides valid parameters that clearly stand out from subjective aesthetic judgements, trends or short-term “awareness strategies”. Brandsociology starts at the foundation of the brand. Only there can its success factors be found, the key to understanding the individual system of a brand.


The Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) is committed to a socio-economic tradition. Its mission is to actively disseminates brand sociological knowledge and focuses on the training of individuals who are responsible for the management of the “brand design systems” in leadership positions today and in the future.


Academic Expertise and Targeted Support

The Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) has a primarily academic focus; consulting services are not offered. Due to the wide range of topics and enquiries, we ask for your understanding that only selective support can be guaranteed in the following areas:

Lecture series

The Directorate delivers lectures and seminars in an international context, specialising in Brandsociology and strategic leadership. These sessions are offered to universities, colleges, and executive education programmes. For each engagement, specific focal points are tailored to align with the broader academic curriculum.



Do you need insight that deciphers the arbitrary management phrases often used in corporate circles and clarifies why the brand is the cornerstone of strategic corporate management? The Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) offers a variety of perspectives to facilitate internal discussions and potentially provide a fresh outlook on how to approach your brand.


Expert Opinions and Coaching

When it comes to repositioning, brand core analyses, and ideas for change in a dynamic competitive environment, the Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) provides pragmatic support through direct contact—exclusively at C-level. This is because the C-level is responsible for the refinement, sharpening, and consolidation that differentiates a brand. Strategic brand management is always a matter for the boss and cannot be delegated.


Academic Board of Directors

Expertise in Brand Management and Socio-Economic Theory

The Board of Directors of the Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) originates from the school of the founder of Brandsociology, Prof. Dr. Alexander Deichsel, who laid the theoretical foundation for the holistic management of economic systems at the University of Hamburg in the early 1990s. This intellectual background has shaped the directors’ teaching and research in the field of Gestalt and systems theory of socio-economic contexts for over thirty years. Diverse management and consulting experience makes the Board of Directors sought-after discussion partners in the fields of brand development, positioning, growth, and their strategic management.


The Board of Directors is involved in a wide range of advisory and supervisory board mandates in science and business.

Prof. Dr. 
Arnd Zschiesche

Prof. Dr. 
Oliver Errichiello

Prof. Dr. 
Timm Homann

Prof. Dr. 
Alexander Deichsel

Prof. Dr. Arnd Zschiesche:

Prof. Dr. Arnd Zschiesche, born in 1972, serves as a Professor of Marketing at the West Coast University of Applied Sciences and is the Scientific Director of the Institute for Regional Marketing Research and Consulting (regioMAR). Since 2011, he has also been a lecturer in Brandsociology and brand management at the Lucerne School of Business (HSLU). He studied Brandsociology, political science, and psychology at the University of Hamburg and subsequently completed his doctorate under Prof. Alexander Deichsel on the economic relevance of positive prejudices about origins. He graduated from the University of Waikato (New Zealand) with a “Bachelor with First Class Honours.”


Zschiesche has worked for Dräger and Deutsche Lufthansa, as well as in the strategic planning department of an international advertising agency. He also held a position at the Institute for Brand Technology in Geneva. In 2006, he founded the “Büro für Markenentwicklung Hamburg,” which has since developed over 200 brand analyses and positioning strategies for predominantly medium-sized companies and various non-governmental institutions.


As the author of 16 non-fiction and specialist books, many co-written with Oliver Errichiello, Zschiesche has made significant contributions to the field. Three of their joint brand books have been translated into English, including Marke statt Meinung, published as Reality in Branding. He regularly comments on current brand events in the media, including ARD Plusminus, ARD Markencheck, ZDF, and Pro7 Galileo. In his keynotes and essays, he advocates for a serious, i.e., consistently performance-oriented approach to the topic of branding.


Born in Lübeck, he is the father of two children.

Prof. Dr. Timm Homann:

Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello, born in Hamburg in 1973, holds the world’s only professorship for Brandsociology at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Saxony). He is also a lecturer in Brandsociology at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the University of Hamburg. He studied sociology and psychology in Hamburg and Lyon (MA) and received his doctorate with the first German-language academic thesis on “Brand Sociological Advertising” under Alexander Deichsel.


Prof. Dr. Errichiello worked as a research assistant for the Hamburg Parliament and for the protocol of the German Bundestag, before becoming a strategic planner for advertising and PR agencies. He later headed the marketing department of a multinational medium-sized company in the furniture industry. In 2006, he founded the “Office for Brand Development” in Hamburg and is also the “Director of Innovation and Brand Management” for Deutsche Seereederei (including A-Rosa, aja, and Henri-Hotels).


Oliver Errichiello is an expert in brand positioning, advertising, and green brand management. His lectures and seminars have taken him to the UK, Italy, France, Austria, Dubai, Indonesia, and China. He is also the author of 23 non-fiction and specialist books and a regular interview partner on advertising and consumption for media outlets ranging from ARD to ZDF.


Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello is married and has two children.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello:

Prof. Dr. Timm Homann, born in 1968, has been teaching Strategic Leadership, Strategic Marketing, and Retail Management at the School of International Business at Bremen University of Applied Sciences since 2006. Timm Homann studied sociology, psychology, and political science (MA) and subsequently completed his doctorate at the University of Hamburg under the founder of Brandsociology, Alexander Deichsel (Dr. phil.). He incorporated the main principles of the Brandsociology school in his book Die Marke als Instanz der strategischen Unternehmensführung. Homann also studied at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Chicago, and WHU, Vallendar (MBA).


Prof. Dr. Homann has been the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Ernsting’s family group of companies based in Coesfeld since 2014. Prior to this, he served as a member of the Executive Board of the Otto Group in Hamburg from 2007 to 2014, where he was responsible for multi-channel retail and tourism activities, as well as overseeing the North America and UK regions.


Prof. Dr. Homann has been Vice President of the German Retail Association (HDE) in Berlin since 2011 and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Institute for Retail Research (IfH) at the University of Cologne.


Prof. Dr. Homann is married and has three children.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Deichsel:

Founder of brand sociology and honorary president

Founder of Brandsociology and Honorary President


Prof. Dr. Alexander Deichsel is the founder of Brandsociology as a scientific discipline. He taught sociology at the University of Hamburg from 1977 until his retirement in 2000. During his distinguished academic career, he also held visiting professorships at the Collège de France in Paris and the University of Zurich. From 2010 to 2020, Prof. Dr. Deichsel served as President of the Ferdinand Tönnies Gesellschaft e. V. in Kiel, where he acted as the lead editor of the Ferdinand Tönnies Complete Edition. In 1994, he helped founding the renowned Institute for Brand Technology in Geneva, the first private consulting institute to scientifically address the management of brands.


Prof. Alexander Deichsel was the first scientist to describe the individual design characteristics of brands and recognised that sociology, as the science of the social, is uniquely suited to reveal the laws and structures behind a brand system. Prof. Alexander Deichsel has thus fundamentally shaped the view of the “economic and social body brand” and its social immutability to this day.


We are proud and grateful to have him as our Honorary President.

Contact Information

As a matter of principle, we answer all your e-mails personally. Write to us at:

49 40 67952 983

Institute for Brandsociology (Institut für Markensoziologie) GbR, Schottmüllerstrasse 20a, 20251 Hamburg, Germany

Brand sociology
Brand sociology